About Me

My photo
New York, United States
I’m in my mid-ish 30’s (excuse me while I sob uncontrollably). I love coffee, cross stitching, reading, gardening and travel. I hope to pass along some patterns and pick a few up along the way.
Some of the pics below have links embedded in their titles. Just click a title to go to the web site to find patterns (or see Labels on the right) You can also click on a picture to enlarge it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Hello Friday, my old friend

Is everyone ready for the weekend? I hope you'll be able to enjoy better weather than we are expecting, it looks like TS Danny is going to wash us out for the whole weekend - ugh! This comes on the heals of Bill who was also determined to wash us out. My poor basement is going to flood, I can just feel it!
Okay, on to my Dutch Beauty update. I have another page under my belt and am beginning page nine now. I can't believe how much work goes into these samplers, I am truly in awe of those who have walls filled with them.

At the last EGA meeting we held a pattern swap and I was able to score "In Her House" by The Goode Huswife. I think this will be my next between project. I just love the colors and the duel scene. I really like looking at your blogs to see what projects you're working on, and making a list (a long, long list) of what patterns I want to pick up next.
Well, I'm off to add to my list. I hope you all have a wonderful and dry weekend.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vacation in Pennsylvania

I'm back! I hope everyone has been well and have a bunch of posts for me to papoose.

Last weekend my mother had a school reunion and we took the opportunity to have a mini family reunion. Here is a picture of my mother, sisters (sans Vikki), my niece and my Mom-Mom. I ask you, is she not the most beautiful grandmother ever! I'm in the top row, second in from the right.

Now Johnstown, PA is known for two things. 1- The flood of 1889 which claimed 2,209 lives and 2-the Inclined Plane, the world's steepest vehicular inclined plane thank you very much. It offers a beautiful view of the valley. Sadly it was rainy so the wonderful pictures were few and far between

Here I have a two examples of Mom-Mom's cross stitch work.
She also made tons of afghans and quilts and Aunt Cathie was kind enough to dig some up for us. Here are the afghan and quilt I was given. The quilt is a beautiful butter yellow, the pic just doesn't do it justice.

And with that I am going to go check in on all of your blogs.