About Me

My photo
New York, United States
I’m in my mid-ish 30’s (excuse me while I sob uncontrollably). I love coffee, cross stitching, reading, gardening and travel. I hope to pass along some patterns and pick a few up along the way.
Some of the pics below have links embedded in their titles. Just click a title to go to the web site to find patterns (or see Labels on the right) You can also click on a picture to enlarge it.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Kristi got this one, I think the water took the longest to stitch.


DaisyGirl said...

I love the Winnie the Pooh design! Your puppy looks so cute!

Kit said...

Thanks, I found the Pooh at the following site; http://www.classicpooh.net/pcc_patternpics.htm
- Kit

Anonymous said...

Hey - OMG I can't believe how many pieces you've finished - they're beautiful! Just my style, I like pieces that are simple and neutral, and not densely stitched! Nice!