About Me

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New York, United States
I’m in my mid-ish 30’s (excuse me while I sob uncontrollably). I love coffee, cross stitching, reading, gardening and travel. I hope to pass along some patterns and pick a few up along the way.
Some of the pics below have links embedded in their titles. Just click a title to go to the web site to find patterns (or see Labels on the right) You can also click on a picture to enlarge it.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

EGA Valentine

Our EGA chapter is assembling a gift basket for seminar, to be auctioned off (or raffled, I can't remember). Our baskets theme is "holiday time", and we are to contribute to the basket with a project and holiday of our choosing. I decided on Valentines day and here is my bookmark. I jotted it down on a grid, sampling from several patterns. It is stitched on ivory 28 ct. linen one over one, using 817 and 3779 DMC floss. I have a book that I am going to put the book, mark in that will help bulk up the basket. I got a beautiful alphabet from this book and thought I'd add it to the post, I will probably make it into a pillow. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Solstitches said...

The bookmark is very pretty and will make a nice addition to the basket.
Thanks for the charts. I like the alphabet with the crossed keys at the bottom :)
